We can review your site or property to help you understand the development potential and the steps required to secure planning permission as quickly as possible.

We leverage our successful working relationships with Local Planning Authorities to engage Officers at an early stage in the planning process (where necessary) and negotiate all key issues prior to the submission of a planning application.

We are experienced in organising and managing community consultation events for larger scale development proposals.

Planning Statements
We take pride in preparing detailed Planning Statements in support of all applications that we are involved in. Our statements provide a comprehensive assessment of the relevant planning issues and present the case in favour of the proposed development to maximise prospects of securing permission.

Project Management
Mialex manages consultant teams and co-ordinates the entire planning application process. We love what we do and enjoy successful working relationships with a wide range of architects, specialist development consultants and legal practices to ensure that the right team is in place for each individual project.
Following the submission of every planning application, we ensure that we liaise very closely with the Council to ensure that planning permission is secured as quickly as possible.

The planning system is challenging and even the best prepared applications can sometimes be refused. We have an excellent track record in overturning decisions at appeal and can take care of the entire process.