Wimbledon, London
2 Homes
In 2023, we secured planning permission for the demolition of a bungalow and replacement with 2 x large four bed family dwellings.
Mialex initially undertook an appraisal of the site in April 2023, identifying the key constraints and issues before helping to assemble the consultant team on behalf of the applicant.
A comprehensive application was subsequently submitted to Merton Council in June in collaboration with Gouldstone and Co.
During the application process, we co-ordinated a detailed rebuttal which addressed the concerns of local objectors and demonstrated the acceptability of the development proposal to the Planning Team.
This resulted in delegated approval being granted in line with the Council’s statutory timescales.
We were also able to amend the scope of wording of all conditions to provide maximum flexibility for the applicant, whilst negotiating away the Council’s unjustified request for financial contributions toward highways enhancements.